June 15 2011
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives June 13, 2011: We're learning more about heat stress presented by Lance Baumgard, Iowa State University Brought to you by Elanco and their portfolio of dairy products
June 15 2011
Of all the valiant efforts of diet and health do-gooders, trying to get flavored milks out of schools ranks among the most misguided. It is a classic example of an idea that glows with good intentions...
June 15 2011
Sulfur and potassium deficiency could be reducing alfalfa yields. The survey reported in this article was funded by the Midwest Forage Association
June 14 2011
When summer arrives, we know how warm and uncomfortable we can become. We look forward to the shade of a big oak tree, a chance to have lunch in an air-conditioned home, or the feel of the breeze on our...
June 14 2011
At the Hoard's Dairyman Farm . . . Watching feed costs and honing strategy Like most of you, our feeding strategy has been to trim costs while keeping the cows milking well, healthy, and breeding back...
June 11 2011
Lowering the somatic cell count (SCC) limit has received a lot of press lately, but reducing SCC has many benefits for dairy producers regardless of regulations. Higher premiums and improved cow health...
June 10 2011
It's just a tiny trickle so far, but solar power projects are slowly beginning to pop up on Western dairies. The latest one to begin generating electricity for the power grid is a big one, more than 200...
June 9 2011
Our well-respected dairy products got special recognition when the USDA released its new, MyPlate nutrition education tool. The MyPlate program replaces the Food Pyramid which had been the government's...
June 4 2011
Farm safety is always an important discussion topic, but sometimes we forget about farm safety when machinery leaves the farm to travel on public roads. Tractor and machinery traffic has risen now that...
June 2 2011
Conditioning and wide swaths speed dry down
June 2 2011
Cash receipts from milk marketed last year totaled $31.36 billion. That was a 24 percent rise over 2009's $24.34 billion. Milk sales totaled $34.85 billion 2008. These numbers come from USDA's annual publication...
May 28 2011
My hometown has a population of about 5,000 people, and it is the largest town in my county. There were almost 450 students in my high school, and the surrounding schools had fewer students and were located...
May 23 2011
Two articles were referenced in the May 25, 2011 issue. From the May 25, 2002 Hoard's Dairyman on page 389. Click here to download the pdf. The article content is printed below. From the May 25, 2005 Hoard's...
May 23 2011
An anniversary only comes around once a year, and Hoard's Dairyman has celebrated plenty of them! This year marks the 126th anniversary of the publication. After great fanfare with our 125th anniversary...
May 19 2011
April milk production in the top 23 states was up just 1.7 percent over a year ago. This represents a slowing of milk production growth from earlier this year. Milk production nationally during the first...
May 10 2011
Much discussion has been de­­­voted to the decline of dairy farming in the Southeast. Here's an attempt to describe what occurred between 1995 and 2010 and make projections for the year 2025...
May 10 2011
Hoard's Dairyman cow Judging Contest: 490s top Junior and Senior divisions. The winners placing in the top four or twelve in their respective divisions came from a remarkable eighteen states and one Canadian...
May 5 2011
Delegates to the bi-annual National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments yesterday narrowly defeated a proposal to reduce the somatic cell count (SCC) legal limit from the current 750,000 cells per...
May 4 2011
Only 13 percent of the nation's corn crop has been planted according to USDA's most recent Crop Progress released May 2. This year's cool, wet spring weather has limited farmers' ability to work fields...